Historic England Skills Forum Webinar
NewsAdam Hickey, Managing Director hosted the latest skills webinar / discussion session on the 13th March for the Historic Environment Skills Forum Steering Committee.
Adam was joined on the webinar session by Alexander McCallion FRICS (Director…

Supporting York Minster
Article by York Minster :
🙏 Thank you to Pinnacle Conservation Ltd! 🙏
As we move towards the opening of our new Centre of Excellence for Heritage Craft Skills and Estate Management later this year, our Research…

York Open Evening
NewsPinnacle are delighted to be supporting York College at there College Open Event on the 5 February.
If you know someone looking for an opportunity as an apprentice, come along and meet some of the Pinnacle Team and other local companies between…

Angel Head at Jacobs Well
NewsPinnacle Team member Paul Dirkin performed the complementary restoration work to the Angel Head at Jacobs Well, which had fallen off.
Jacobs Well, the parish room for the Priory Church of the Holy Trinity, Micklegate, York, was a late medieval…

School children help mark special day in Malton’s history
NewsSchoolchildren helped bury a time capsule to mark the restoration of Malton’s Wesley Centre at the event, which members of the public and local dignitaries also attended. (L-R Adam Hickey, Stephanie O'Bee, Cllr Ian Conlan, Mayor, Gerry Rogerson,…

Weathervane Conservation
NewsWorks are now complete on the restoration of the Weathervane at St Mary's Church, Scarborough.
Valerio Caputi, Pinnacles Conservation Specialist, has completed the hand painted Yorkshire Rose on the Weathervane for our job in Scarborough.

Lime Wash Demonstration
NewsLast week, Pinnacle were delighted to support our Client, York Conservation Trust, in hosting a lime plaster demonstration for University of York MA Conservation Students. York Conservation Trust CEO Guy Bowyer and Pinnacle Conservation Managing…

NewsPinnacle have started work on the roofing repairs, brick repairs and and re-roofing works to the rear elevation at the Hilton Hotel in York City Centre.
York Office
The Raylor Centre, James St,
York YO10 3DW
01904 411626

Opening Hours:
Mon-Fri: 8:00-17:30
Sat: Closed
Sun: Closed